Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Yesterday was a busy day. Got up in the morning bright and early. Did my regular morning stuff and out the door I flew. Went all the way down to my Doctors office believing that I had a 7:30 appointment with him. Walk in and the Nurse looked at me strangely. She finally told me that I was there on the wrong day!

Great....I know I have something to do....The Hospital!!!! I had to be at the Hospital for 8am to get the second Vaccine A shot! Back in the car and ran to the Hospital. When I got there the courier hadn't brought the vaccine over from the main pharmacy. So I had to wait while they sent for it. I didn't mind since I was lucky that I even remembered what I had to do that morning! lol ...I don't know where my mind is anymore.

Got the shot and off to work I went.

Since all of this has started, Jimmy and I have decided to get our Will taken care...and I wanted a Living Will drawn up. Not that I'll need it....but it just seems to me that I'd feel better if anything went wrong that he'd have my wishes on paper and the legal right to carry those wishes out.

So after work, it was off to the attorney's office.

By the time we hit home I was ready for bed....lol.

Now if I could just remember that the Doctors visit is really on Wednesday morning at 7:30 am! I write everything down....I just forget to read it!

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