Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Day 323

These last days are turning into the longest. Every time I look at those pills or those needles I can't help but think "isn't this over with yet?"

I know....there's only 12 more days to go.....

I'm not feeling that bad really. It's just that the side effects are really wearing thin on my nerves. Maybe it's just the anticipation of not having to do this anymore.

I can't wait until the day comes that I don't itch....that I'm not tired from walking out to my car....I can't wait for the day my bones and joints don't ache and I'm not swallowing ibuprofen until my ears ring so loud that I have to have everyone repeat what they're saying.

Yes I'm whinning. It's either that or I'll explode.

You know it gets to the point, after tx has been so long, that you start to hate hearing yourself bitch about how you feel.....but most of the time you feel like shit so how do you not bitch?

I try not to. I try to keep it to myself. I imagine, even though he'd never say so, Jimmy has to be tired of dealing with how I feel also.

12 more days.

Just 12 more days.....


My Other Blog said...

12 days, that's like nothing in Hep C treatment time! I'm counting down with you!

Terry Lee said...

You've made it and your now a hep C hero. Job well done!!!!!!!

Rosie said...

Happy New Year Laurie, after all you have been through this year how can next year be anything but good. I know for me after tx I really appreciated all the little things that I took for granted before. So your last day is like Jan. 11th or 12th? I am soooooooo excited for you that you made it all the way through and still virus free. They do have you come back several times after to check your blood and all but as it all gets better you will be so happy!!I'll have to selfishly say I will miss your blog but I will still think of you often and be thankful for all you have done for so many others suffering through hep c. God Bless You and again Happy New Year! Hugs and fond thoughts Rosie

~sharon said...

Happy New Year, Laurie and a belated birthday too! 12 days for you and 14 for me... maybe we can get our follow-up appointments to coincide one week and have lunch.

This last month or so seems to have been a bit ruff... more nausea and aches... maybe everything is just building up and my body and mind just want this to be over!!! I'm sure I will not miss the ribarage at all LOL

I keep thinking the flying horse has helped to slay the dragon :-) but the ride has been a bumpy ... at least the virus has disappeared and hopefully will stay gone!!!


Dorene said...

Hi Laurie, Happy New Year! Here is to 2009 being the best year for all of us. Please feel free to vent any time,I know how you feel, I feel like I have become so self centered with all these sx's it is driving me crazy lol. While I knew I would not feel 100% right away I was not prepared for the joint aches that just started 3 weeks after I stopped
In your search have you found anything about joint pain coming on suddenly? My doc (mainly MIA) said something about the Peg exaggerates everything.. I do get that I just did not think that I would have new side effects after I stopped. I would be so grateful if you could share anything with me. A few months before I was diagnosed with Hep C I had these bright red spots develop from feet to knees. The blood doc said it was Thrombocytopenia and came from low platelets. He then tested for lupus, lymphoma, leukemia, Hep A,B,C and I got the Hep C. I did not have these spots during tx and I know my levels were low. 55 to 60. This week, 4th week off meds the spots started and so far they are above my waist and some are on my arms, I am retaining fluid in my ankles and feet so trying to prop them up. I contacted the liver doc and he asked me if I had called my Primary, no it started New years Eve, and the office was closed Friday plus this has to do with my Liver so I saw nothing wrong in asking him for help. They have taken blood and they say they will have results Monday sometime which is great as it normally takes a week or two. I pray I am still UND, if it has come back I will cry. I know boo hoo, poor me.
I am rooting for you even if it doesn't sound like it, you have been through hell and back and now you are so close I am very happy for you