Sunday, November 16, 2008

Day 278

Another shot down and another weekend gone.

Yesterday I spent the day back and forth to the couch. But on the bright side I did get some laundry washed, dishes done and I made a pot of homemade ham and bean soup.

Oh yeah, and I made it to the grocery store again. That's always a big deal for me. Fatigue makes it very slow going but I always feel like I accomplished something when I can get there.

Jimmy usually lectures me about the store saying "make a list and I'll go". He calls me stubborn. I guess there's just a part of me that still wants to be productive in my home.

I guess maybe in ways I am stubborn.

This morning is kind of ruff but still do-able. I'm hoping that I snap out of it as the morning goes on. It really does feel like I have the flu....but I know it's just the Peg. shot.

8 more weeks to go.

Have a Nice Sunday!


Dorene said...

Good Morning Laurie, I am hanging in there, thanks for asking, going to the grocery is a huge accomplishment in my book. I think I have been once since starting treatment. It was last weekend and was actually fun, my husband and I had to drop off my car to get it fixed and we went to the grocery store. It was a big deal to me. I know we do not have much more time however I hope that my brain and energy come back. If I can just get some energy I can clean this mess I call my home. :)
At least we are in the single digits now. I have been wearing scarves, some look silly, some elegant like yours, some times I have trouble keeping them on my head. Do you have any tricks or tips? I hope today is nice for you, I love fall days like these and might (MIGHT)) even try to go for a walk as that doesn't take much brain power :)
Have a great day

My Other Blog said...

Do you ride the electric shopping carts at the store? If you're just picking up a few things, riding vs walking through the entire store is a lot less tiring.
Take it easy today!

Laurie said...

One of my major plans after tx is done is to full pull my house apart and clean it spic and span! Spring cleaning this year is going to be a treat!

It really doesn't feel like I'm coming to the end yet. 2 more months still feels like a long time to me. By at least mid December I hope I can see the end clearer.

Since I cut my hair so short the scarves seem to stay on better. Stil I find myself having to occassionally take it off and retie it part way throught the day.

Boy I hope my hair grows back fast!

We've got the rain and flurries coming on and off all weekend long here. It was a nice weekend to just hang around in the house.

Enjoy the Day!


Laurie said...


I'm so self conscious of how bad I already look that I couldn't bring myself use the electric carts. I already see that people look more at the scarf on my head than at me.

This weekend when I shop for Thanksgiving dinner I'll have the kids along to send down isles and my dear friend is going to the farmers market and is picking up my fresh veg.s for me.

So the next grocery trip should be an easy one.
