Thursday, October 9, 2008

Day 239

Am I having Riba-Rage or am I just really sick of all of it?

A few years ago they gave me a hysterectomy and about a year ago I wound up in menopause when my only remaining ovary decided to fail. They put me on a hormone patch to control the hot flashes that I was having every hour or two. Felt like someone would turn the heat up to 100 even when I was sleeping. Drove me nuts.

So any way, through everything that's been going on I ran my script out for the patches and didn't realize it. So yesterday I called the Gyno. and asked to have it refilled. They said what I knew they would need to set up an appointment. I explained to the nurse what was going on and she said she could set up an appointment for me on Dec. 8th at 5:30 and she'd call the pharmacy with a script to cover me until the appointment. Great! I wouldn't miss work and if I had to be in Hershey that day I would be back in time to go! Not to mention that right now I am truly not wanting or in the mind frame to sit in their office (per usual) for 3 hours waiting to be called.

So it was perfect!

About a half an hour later the receptionist (who when I first met her wanted me to explain that I had Hep.C to her in front of a reception room full of people and got aggravated when I told her I'll explain my problems in private only....she's a bitch) called me and told me that she wouldn't call my script in until I saw the Doctor and that she'll make my appointment for 10:30 am on Wednesday!

I began explaining that Dec. 8th would be better or even a date and time after 5:30, but being the bitch that she is she wouldn't let up.

She even said at one point "well, you evidently need the patch or you wouldn't be calling so you'll have to come in on Wednesday!"

Yes.....I blew up!

After arguing back and forth with her, she said she'd talk to the doctor tomorrow and that I should call back.

The stupid bitch put me in tears and today when I call back, if she's got the same story, I'll tell her that one more symptom on top of the side effects that I already go through is not going to kill me. I'll tell her to forget about calling a script in for me I'll keep the Dec. 8th appt. and I'll do without until then. It's not like I could have cervical cancer or anything like that since I don't even own those things anymore! My only problem (outside of tx) is a whole lot of hot flashes!

Really! Cut Me A Break!

Anyway, yes yesterday was ruff. I felt like crap as the day went on, work was busy and the phone call just made the day worst. It all wore me out. By the time I got home I just needed my bed.

I slept 12 hours and this morning is somewhat better.

Today I will not let tx or the day get to me.

Today will be better!

I hope.


My Other Blog said...

Oh for crap's sake! I can't believe there's no appointment available between Wednesday and December 8! Maybe if you'd go to the office and pound your fist on the desk a little, they'd realize that you're just asking for 2 months of patches, you're not asking for morphine or anything, and they probably have samples in the office and could just give them to you. But, I know you don't have the energy to do this. I hope going 'cold turkey isn't too hard on you. I went off the patch when I was on treatment and I didn't get any hot flashes, but I'm so much older than you are...

Dorene said...

Dear Laurie, I am so sorry about that stupid B____ that would not listen to you. I have had similar problems, it is hard to explain things and then I forget words and I feel like giving up, the anger is right there along with the frustration of not being understood. should not have to give your life history when you are trying to get some patches to hold you over till you can get to the doctor. I am so sorry I hope the doctor will just give you the patches. I understand you are trying to go to work as much as you can. Sometimes I think the medical community has no clue about people having other responsibilities. I hope today is better for you I hope the Peg is kind to you this weeken. I too am sick of it and I gave up on my hair, I just stick what is left in a tiny pony tail and pretend it isn't there ha ha
Lots of hugs and love to you

Laurie said...


I don't know why, but right now I think I'm just a magnet for assholes.

Thankfully I got the script....I really hate the hot flashes and even this last week, without the patches,they've already started.


Laurie said...


I have to admit, that for the first time since starting tx,on wednesday I actually wished the receptionist had to walk just 2 blocks in my shoes.

They can't much as we want them to.

I'm still up in the air on what to use to cover my head. I guess I'm going to have to figure something out soon because my scalp is becoming too painful to ignore anymore and the hair continues to fall out.

I keep looking, but then I keep hoping that something will change too. So I just wind up walking away empty handed.

I'll figure it out soon I'm sure...

Have a good weekend. I hope your shot is easy on you too.
