Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Day 231

Welcome to October!

Another Month is done. Boy is this slow going.....but we're getting there.
Yesterday was very busy at work but all in all it wasn't a bad day.

The itching is still driving me nuts! The worst part is the inside of my ears. I can't exactly scratch the inside of my ears. It's the one place that I've never had chapped and pealing skin before....what a treat! I also can't exactly use Gold Bond there, so the only thing that I can find to do it to use Olive oil on a Q-tip. It helps a little.

Wednesday night.....Procrit night. At least this injection is the easiest out of the four. It tends to sting a bit going in but doesn't seem to have any side effects that I can tell.

I'm going to call Hershey sometime today in hopes that I can drop tomorrow nights Nuepogen shot. We we're hoping that I would have had a call from my study nurse saying to drop one....but I didn't hear anything from her yet. I guess it's time for me to call to find out.

The good news is that I'm still feeling pretty Ducky!

Have a Ducky Day Everyone!

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