Thursday, September 11, 2008

Day 210

The little drummer boy has been beating on my brain all night long. I was kind of hoping that I'd wake up this morning without him, but there he is still beating his evil little tune. I grabbed some ibuprofen and coffee.

We've decided to cancel our NY trip to see Terry. Bums me out, but between risking getting an infection or virus and being just down right too fatigued, I suppose we're making the right choice. Still it bums me out because I was looking forward to seeing Terry and Magda and then shopping in China town for a scarf or berret.

I guess we'll just have to plan a trip to California to visit them when this is over and I'll revert to online shopping for the scarf....

My dear friend Susan found the Gold Bond Medicated Anti-Itch creme for me. It does actually help somewhat. But it isn't very long lasting. Something is better than nothing. Thank God for good friends!

Have a Good Day everyone!


Rosie said...

Hey Laurie, I found out last year quite by accident that a lots of the anti itch creams have benedry in them so be sure if it does to use only as directed and not over do it. I was putting it all over as I was itching so much and it rose by blood pressure alot!
I will be praying for you that your blood counts come up to a level that will keep you on treatment. I was at the 1/2 shot the last 6 weeks of tx and it wasn't enough for me to work on the VL but you have been undetectable for so long I think you might be ok.
This is day 2 with no drugs and the only real difference I feel is I don't get weak and dizzy if I have to skip a meal. My headaches have way increased and yesterday I had such bad heartburn I felt on fire. I do have a bit more energy just after 2 days so I am looking forward to having a good weekend. I talked to my son who has hep c and he said he just decided not to stress that he could not beat the virius and just live the best he could. What a smart kid
Take Care Love Rosie

Changedit said...

Hiya Laurie, shame you had to cancel NY, but probably better to postpone it if you dont feel up to it. I am sure both Terry and Magda will still welcome you, when you're better.


My Other Blog said...

I think part of the problem is you're having your blood drawn too soon after your weekly injection. That's why all of your levels are testing low. The ideal time to have your blood drawn is the day before an injection. Can you move your injection up to Thursday next week, then push the blood test off till the following Tuesday - that will give your blood levels almost a week to recover.
I'm so sorry you had to cancel the NY trip...

Dorene said...

Good morning laurie sorry for the typos, my pc is dying and won't us caps
i am sorry you have received this scary news about your numbers. i read an article that siad if you were undetectable by 4 weeks that some people only had to go 24 weeks, not saying that your numbers won't come up, of course they will, just trying to send something positive in the middle of this bad news. i know your numbers will bounce back, they always do. you have been a real fighter through all of this you are my inspiration when times get tough for me and i fell like giving up. my heart is just breaking for rosie, id on't know what to say other than it seems so unfair, her numbers are going down, don't know why they couldn't do it longer like teah's 72 weeks i hope your shot treats you well this weekend, i am sorry you had to cancel your trip to ny, knowing how much you want to go i am sure you must be doing the right thing. rest, take care of yourself read the christmas catalogs, we are almost 2/3 of the way there!
lots of hugs and love being sent your way
gosh i hope this pc doesn't just die i will lose my contact with you

Dorene said...

iris, great idea i have my blood drawn a week after my shot
good thought!

Laurie said...

Thanks for the tip! I checked and thankfully Gold Bond doesn't have Benedryl in it.

Give it a few more days and you should start feeling much better.

Your Son is a very smart guy!!!

While I know it's very hard that you both have the's very good that you have each other to lean on.

Take care my Friend.


Laurie said...


lol I get such a kick out of your name! :)

There will be other times for Jimmy and I to visit with Terry and Magda.

It's probably better this way right now's not like I have all that much energy to be an enjoyable guest!

There are better times in the future.

Thanks :)


Laurie said...


You know what, you might be right.

The only thing is, I've been having my blood work done on Mondays all this time and they've dropped in comparison to other Monday blood works and according to my nurse my Lymphocytes should never go that low.

I wish they would let me skip next weeks shot all together. I might just try the Thursday shot idea just to give me a better chance at passing. But I have to go on Monday. They aren't in on Tuesday and don't want to wait as late as Wednesday.

It'll work out. I know it will just because I'm starting to feel a little better.

Thanks for the idea!


Laurie said...


Boy I hope your computer hangs in there too! Sounds like you might just need a new keyboard. If you have an extra one...plug it in and try. 9 times out of 10 it's as simple as that.

Now that I've gotten pass the bad news, I'm starting to reason it out a bit. I'm sure that my counts will bounce back with the reduced dosage. And in the long run, with my VL being UD for all of this time, Half dosages will make me feel so much better. Not to mention that it might give me the chance to drop at least 2 of my injections a week!

I'm looking at this as a blessing in disguise.


I have to believe it'll work out.

The weekend of rest will do me good. I feel like I'm cramming for the big test! lol

Have a nice weekend!
