Saturday, August 2, 2008

Day 172

Yep it's Saturday! I'm a couch potato!

There just is no energy and my mouth is killing me. Weekends are the worst. The Friday night Peg. shot kicks me in the butt and the weekend is waisted.

To top it off I have about a hundred t.v. channels and there's nothing on to watch! lol

Boy I'm really going to appreciate my weekends when this is all over!

Hope everyone elses Saturday is wonderful!


My Other Blog said...

TV really stinks at this time of year. I look forward to the Olympics starting next week, at least there will be something to watch, even if it's all just sports! I like the swimming & gymnastics events.
Hope you have a great Sunday!

Lisa said...

Sunday: I feel like utter crap today. Mainly sore and achey and tired. I haven't got out of bed yet and have my laptop on my bed. It actually hurts to look at print, so I won't be on long at all.
Enjoy relaxing today, that is what I am going to do....


Laurie said...


I love the gymnastics!


Have a Great Day!


Laurie said...


Saturday and Sunday are usually my worst days. Monday comes and I start to recover a bit...But Mondays teeter back and forth.

By Tuesday I usually start to feel somewhat more human again if I don't wind up with bone pain from my Monday night Nuepogen shot.

Well at least that's the way it's been for the past few weeks anyway. I don't count too much on feeling the same way every week because it can all change in a heartbeat. Just when you think you have it figured out, it blind sides you.

This treatment is a rollercoaster that you just have to ride it out.

Hang in there and get lots of rest!

Hope you feel better today!
