Sunday, July 6, 2008

Day 145

Yesterday was nice. I hung out with the kids all day....mostly on the couch. It couldn't have been too much fun for them, but I enjoyed the company.

With their help we cooked BBQ Chicken on the grill and Crystal and I made potato salad. The boy's whipped up a double Chocolate cake for desert! Everything looked wonderful! Only problem is I just couldn't eat. I tried like hell, but the timing was real bad.

I did manage a big piece of that Chocolate cake about 2 hours later! lol So it's not like I didn't get something in me! Chocolate cake is a wonderful thing for a skinny woman! lol

It seems that I have a new "What the hell is that?". All of the skin on the back of my scalp feels tight as though the back of my upper neck and scalp are slightly swollen. It started yesterday and I just tried to ignore it, but this morning it's still there. Whatever it is it can't be helping the hair that seems to be falling out by the bunches.

I worry, of course, that it may have something to do with the lumps on my neck. If it gets any worse I'll call Hershey again. For now I'll just play the we'll wait and see game.

This is one big problem with tx, there are so many things happening to your body that you can't identify. Who knows what's bad and what's just from the drugs? All of a sudden I don't know my own body.

This morning I woke up slowly but I'm not feeling to terrible. I'm a bit washed out and fatigued, but not bed ridden.

I have a full work week a head of me so I'll try to take it easy today. Got to store up some of that energy.

Hopefully this day continues to be good. I'll just slow and take it easy.

My deck looks like a jungle after all the rain that we've had. The are hundreds of flowers all over my tomato and tomitillio plants. Between what's on my deck and what's in the garden below, Eddie won't need to buy very much produce for the restaurant in the near future! lol


Rosie said...

Beautiful garden Laurie, nothing taste better than FRESH veg.
I know what you mean about trying to figure out how you are going to feel each day. I've come to admit that there is no way to figure it out, we just ride it out to the end and see what happens, I looked at my chart of the different viral loads or counts and in all this time I have only been -15 once. My counts are sticking around 85 except for the 2 weeks they took me off the shots then it shot up to 685. I realize these are still low numbers but I want the negative factor here. I started with much lower counts than a lot of people so I hope this is working for me. The nurse said it is so I will just try to trust.
The doc wants to start me on prozac nexr week I told her to ahead and write the script but I am not sure if I will take it. Has anyone you know taken it? I was on wellbutrin for smoking which is an anti depressant and I thought I would jump out of my skin.
I hope we all get a truly good week out of this one and the sun shines all over your life!

Terry Lee said...

Hi Rosie, I was on a double dose (40mgs)of Prozac for the 11 months that I tx'd and it really helped w/no side effects, it may have saved my life. It's not for everyone but it worked well for me. Good luck

PS, the Wellburtrin was a disaster for me.

Laurie said...


I never tried Prozac. I hope it works for you. Do whatever it takes to get you through this mess.
Wellbutrin drove me nuts too! Zoloft seems to be ok now if I take half pills. We'll see....

I hope you get undectable soon! My fingers are crossed for you.

Hang in there!


Dorene said...

Hi Rosie, I just re-read your post, I also tried Wellbutrin and he made me so sick it was terrible, I could not stay on it. I did go on Prozac and my doc had me start with a half dose for 3 days, then if I felt ok I was to go to the full dose so it wouldn't shock my body so much. I know others who started with the full dose and didn't stay on it. Not that I am a doctor or anything, just suggesting :)
I hope your counts are going up and your viral load is going down. I am praying for all of us