Saturday, July 5, 2008

Day 144

Yesterday was dreary, foggy and rained much of the day. That pretty much described how I felt, so I spent most of the day hanging out on the couch. I got some laundry done but not much. Other than that I played it lazy.

Crystal, Cory and Jonathan spent the night hanging out with us and we watched the fireworks from our 3 story roof. It's a great place to be every year. It's a high flat roof and from up there you get to see the fireworks from about 10 different communities with fireworks from every direction.

I woke up this morning and was ready to feel horrible from the Peg. shot last night, but I don't think it's as bad as last week.
I'm able to wake up ok and moving around may be slow because of fatigue.....but at least I don't feel like total hell! I can cope with this weeks shot. I couldn't last week.
You just never know what this stuff is going to do to you each week! Do I feel better this week because I got more sleep or rest? Is there something I did wrong last week that caused me to suffer so much more?
I give up trying to figure it out. It has a mind of it's own and it'll kick me in the ass whenever it please with no rhyme or reason.....

This week I think it might have mercy on me.

Today is Nascar day at my house and the boy's are ready for some BBQ chicken compliments of "Jimmy The Grill Master", Potato salad and Corn on the cob in front of the tv that they'll spend their time yelling at! lol
Me? I'll hang out on the couch laughing at them!
Jonathan and Jimmy are rivals in every sport that they watch and they love to bust each others ass.

Have a nice day everyone......

My couch buddy Jack and his great big smile!

This is his place when either one of us is not feeling well.

Jacks a Diabetic and takes an insulin shot twice a day.

It kind of confuses him when I get my needles out to take my injections because he thinks it's time for his! (He sort of likes his because he gets a treat)


My Other Blog said...

I'm sure getting more sleep has a lot to do with feeling better! Glad you had a good 4th! It must be nice to see fireworks from your roof - no need to drive anywhere! When they're over, you can be in your own bed in 10 minutes!
I'm going to ask my boss if I can take the 28th off, if I can, I'll send you an email and we'll decide where to meet.

magda said...

That is the cutes photo ever. Hope your weeks get easier on you. Its great you got a little break

Laurie said...

Sounds great! :)
Let me know.

Laurie said...

Thanks M!
You both had a lot to do with my feeling better!

Dorene said...

Hi Laurie, I envy you your roof top, that sounds like so much fun, just go to the roof and se fireworks from every angle, sounds beautiful I hope this week is better for you. Last week was bad for me too and I am hoping this week will be better
Getting more rest probably helps. If I can't eat and I need to take my pills I make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, has the fat and protein. I know not really gourmet but it helps the medicine go down :) Thank you for sharing the picture of you and your cat, I like your hair cut, I finally had to cut mine I have lost so much it hardly qualifies as hair. Tried a wig but it just wasn't me.
Have great day!