Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Day 140

We went to Hershey yesterday. They took extra blood to run it through their own lab so we'll have the results this morning.

I took the Nuepogen last night but they had me hold the Ribavirin until we get the blood test back this morning.

I hope my counts are not dropping again. I just feel really bad right now.

Doctor thinks that the lumps on my neck are from the drugs. It seems that I may just have to deal with them until this is over.

I'm fighting to get moving, fighting to feel better this morning....fighting to get ready for work, but all I really want to do is go back to bed.

This Tuesday...outside of the bone aches I should start feeling better by now.

I hope that I hear from Hershey early.


Rosie said...

Hang in there Laurie. That's all we can really do. I go back to the doc tommorrow. I hope my blood counts are good. Yesterday I got a terrible nose bleed that went on for about 20 minutes or more with a lot of blood. My nurse said if it didn't stop soon to go to the emergency room. (I called her from the office bathroom) There was big blood clots but it finally stopped. It was scary but also I didn't have another 700 dollars to spend at the emergency room for a dam nose bleed. I guess I will find out tommorrow about my platlets. I am still so foggy in my mind and it is the pits. I started getting some sores in my mouth, not sure if it is the drugs or the sunflowers seeds I ate last weekend LOL. Last night when I got home from work I was so nauseous that I went straight to bed at 5:30 pm. I slept a good couple of hours and then got back up for awhile. I am hoping today will be good. I hope you get good news from Hershey this morning. Take Care Rosie
PS Laurie I got an email from someone called "poor" that says it is from your blog but I don't recall anyone posting under that name Wierd huh?

Dorene said...

Hi there, wow we are all a mess right now, after hearing about Rosie's experience I fee a little better, wow, a nose bleed! I bet that was scary. I wonder why, now, in the middle of treatment everyone is feeling so bad, I wish my doc had never told me it would get better. It is not getting better, I broke down at work this morning and could not handle the noise in the officer, it was so overwhelming and I wanted to go home but I stayed, this is the hardest thing I have ever done. What keeps me going is this blog and everyone on this. Thank you so very much
I hope tomorrow brings all of us a better day. I feel like I am a day behind in how I normally feel after shot day.

Laurie said...

I hope your platlets aren't low, that sounds like a hell of a nose bleed! You'll have to be careful just in case.
What ever you do don't sneeze! :)
Mouth sores are the pits! I can keep them under control but I can't get rid of them. I pretty much live with it. Let me know what your doctor gives you for it. Maybe he'll have a different idea!
I don't remember anyone named "poor", but I know that there are people who read the blogs who never post anything....so it is possible they came from this blog. I've had one problem with one person who always posted as "anonymous" and I think it's a local person....but they havent posted for a couple of weeks now. Hopefully they gave up.

Take care Rosie, I hope your counts come back good!


Laurie said...

According to my nurse this is when it get's the hardest. Fatigue gets harder. I also remember my other tx buddies Terry and Teah saying that the last half is harder than the first.
It's the Ribivirn that causes the emotional crazies. I've become very anti-social since I started just because I just can't handle a lot of people without feeling like I'm going to go nuts! It's horrible because it's just not like me.
You just have to ride it out and wait for it to pass....at the same time try not to cry or rip someones head off. Sometimes easier said than done! lol
Hang in there Dorene....it's a hell of a roller coaster ride isn't it?
