Yesterday was a slow day. After taking Tylenol I began to feel a lot better, but still the fatigue had me down on and off all day.
I was able to spend a little time in the garden in the early afternoon and I did get lunch cooked on the grill and some dishes washed.....other than that my day was spent on the couch and then early to bed.
It is much easier without the trial drug. The Inerferon does put me down a bit....but nothing like it did when I was taking the trial drug. That would pretty much put me on the couch with no chance of anything else.
75 untis is harder than 50. I'm not looking forward to the full 100. But I'll do what I have to do.
This morning is going pretty much like yesterday morning. Body aches and fatigue. I'll down some more coffee along with Tylenol and see if I can't make something out of the day.
It's been 6 days since I started taking the Keflex and it's made no difference to the lumps on my neck, it has however made my mouth more sore. (I have to try the IFLORA that M mentioned) There are 4 more days left to take it and when it's done, if the lumps are still there I'll call Hershey. I have the feeling that they'll just tell me that it's from the Ribavirin and my counts going up and down. They had said that it was either from a bacterial infection of from the Ribavirin when they first saw them. The Keflex was just in case of the throat was red.
I wonder if that means my neck will be this way for the remaining 31 weeks. Boy I hope not!
At least the itchy scalp is starting to let up a little. LOL I was beginning to feel like a dog with flees! It's been driving me nuts! It's still there but at least now I don't want to rip my scalp off!
Today may not be Ducky....but I know it could be worst!
My Grandma's orange tree. 2 years old this year and it's already over 3 foot tall! :)
I still find it amazing that it's from a tree that I planted a seed of in my Grandma's back yard over 30 years ago! (if you missed the story, I wrote about it on July 19, 2007.)
Second generation...still going strong! :)
Oh it time to replant the cutting you gave me and put it outside for the summer? Must call the future-ex and ask him to water it! Thanks for reminding me.
You should transplant it when the tree reaches 1-1/2 times the height of the pot.
It's so cool that they're still doing good!
I wonder how Teah's tree is doing!
Nice thing about orange trees is that they seem to love both dry and wet soil. They're very hardy.
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