Thursday, June 12, 2008

Day 122

Yesterday started off pretty good, but as the day went on it got very uncomfortable. Fatigue had me dragging and these G.D. lumps are starting to make my neck ache. They seem to be slowly getting bigger. So all and all "very uncomfortable" is the only way to explain yesterday.

This morning I'm waking up to being aggravated that the washed out feeling is back. I hate feeling like I have the flu. What makes this day worst is that tonight I have to take the Nuepogen and if I'm starting this day out this way then I know the next few days will be shot also. Nuepogen tonight and Pegasys on Friday. I feel like my whole life revolves around needles anymore.

Bitch bitch bitch....

I need something to distract my mind from all of the crap. Work is slow right now and the days are very long. Today and tomorrow are going to be the worst. Starting next week, for 2 weeks I'll go part time working from 1 to 5pm. With as slow as work is right now, it might help at least for the 2 weeks and then it's back to full time.

Hopefully I can talk Jimmy into a little road trip to check out a Mosaic building that he wants to see near Philly on Saturday. It might do me some good to get out of here a little.

Monday is my 18 week visit. 30 more to go. This treatment is like a roller coaster that you have no choice but to keep getting back on and riding.

I hate roller coasters!


My Other Blog said...

I'm glad someone is going to take a look at those lumps on Monday. I'm also glad you're going to be working only part-time for a few weeks.
And, I saw your comment on yesterday's post - now you know why I have the comment 'moderation' feature on my blog!

Rosie said...

Happy Belated Anniversary Laurie,
Sorry to hear you are on the roller coaster again. I hate them too! Well hate is to strong I am scared to death of them is more like it LOL. Yes this treatment does suck but tlike you told me last week when I was wondering why the hell we are doing this you reminded me it is so we can be healthy...seems like such a reduntant (sp?) word though ha ha.
Part time work will be good for you for awhile. Maybe you can keep bust doing something you love that isn't too hard of work. How about your glass blowing or painting. Wow that is great therapy for the mind. Maybe plant a pot of flowers while sitting down of course. Hell you may even learn to like the part time stuff if the money isn't a big issue. I am going to hang out with my mom for a couple hours tommorrow. A do my shot tonight so if I feel bad I will just have to fake it for a day. She is getting old and she misses me since all this treatment started I haven't seen her as much. We are just going to sit in the backyard and watch the birds and maybe trim up a few roses. It will be nice. I am waiting this morning to hear on my blood counts and how much shot I will take. I feel the pain creeping up in my back but at least this time I have the pain pills ready for it. I hope you feel as well as you can this weekend and find some sunshine and joy in your day! Hugs to you Rosie

Rosie said...

Boy does my typing suck these days Sorry for the errors in spelling. My mind isn't all here, or there either !!!!

Dorene said...

I agree! I hate the roller coaster, ok, like Rosie I am more afraid of it than anything. I really admire the fact that you have worked full time up till now. I have not been able to work a full week since tx started. I hope you are ok, feeling better.
I haven't logged in in a few days, got sick, this is the first day I have been able to log in. I wanted to say hello. I am thinking of everyone

Laurie said...

Hi Iris,
Part time for a couple of weeks might not be too bad expecially since getting up in the morning has been tuff for the past few days. It'll be a nice break.

Laurie said...

Thank you Rosie.

I think I will enjoy some glass work while I'm off. It'll be nice to be home on mornings that aren't the day after a shot.

Sitting with your Mom sounds so nice and I don't know about where you are but it's a beautiful day out here. I hope you have the same there.

Enjoy your Mother and the day :)

Take care mt friend


Laurie said...

Hi Dorene!

I'm sorry to hear you've been sick again. There are so many ups and downs to this stuff that you never know what tomorrow will bring.

For me, at least it's not as bad as it was with the trial drug.Back then being "sick" was to a degree of being bed ridden. This is just like feeling like crap all day with a day or 2 everyonce and a while of feeling like hell. (Usually the day after the Peg. shot)

I'm glad that your feeling better!

Hang in there.

My thoughts are always with you guys.
