Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Day 121

Yesterday was a nice day. Jimmy sent me flowers to my office and after work we went out to dinner then home for rest and relaxation. We've been together now for going on 4 years now and each year that passes I realize more and more that I found my soul mate. Hell we have yet to have our first argument!

I'm still feeling pretty ok. Fatigue and the lumps seem to be my biggest problem right now. Stupid lumps......

Oh the car still stinks!

I guess I feel just about as Ducky as I can feel for now! I'm not sure if Ducky is coming or going.....


Laurie said...

"Anonymous" You know, I was going to ignore you.....but I feel so sorry for you that I had to say something. So I will....just this once....and never again.
You must have a very sad life and you must be a very sad person because of it.
Yes I am sick. I don't know why you would want to try to cause pain to 2 people going through such a struggle, but you seem to be trying...
There are 2 things that you should know.
The first is that your comments do nothing more then make us feel sorry for you. I hope you find some kind of peace in your life because you seem to be desperately needing it.
The second thing that I'd like you to understand is that you don't know me....if you did you wouldn't play the game that you're playing. If you are local...I suggest that you get to know me little bit better and then pray that I never find out who you are.

Anonymous said...
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Dorene said...

Anonymous needs prayer, he-she is obviously a very unhappy person who would kick someone when they are down.
We are trying to support each other while we fight for our lives, anonymous needs to go to another site where they love to fight.