Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Day 120

Graduation was a scorcher. With almost 800 graduating students along with their families all packed onto a black top parking lot in 93 degree humid weather....I stayed only long enough to see Crystal get her diploma. Of course that took 2 hours to get to. The heat and sun where unbearable....no shade except for the umbrella that Jimmy ran to his car and got for me.
2 down ....one more to go. Cory, my youngest enters high school next year.

All in all the day was pretty good. I felt ok even though the lumps just won't go away from my neck and fatigue seems to hitting quite a bit.

I got to tell ya about this.....Last Monday I went to the store for groceries. Along with all of the bags I picked up a gallon of milk. When I got home Jimmy helped me unload the groceries. I just can't carry all of them up the steps to our apartment.

So after getting the groceries upstairs, I started dinner but I couldn't find the milk. I thought right away that the store had forgot to put the milk into my cart! Jimmy went out to my car to check the truck, but came back to say it's not there.

$3.99 for milk and they forget to give it to me! I picked up the phone right away and made my complaint! They told me to stop by with my receipt and they'll make it right. Well I didn't make it back there yet.....but still it pissed me off. I needed that stupid milk and it's a real chore for me to go to the store to start with! (bitch bitch bitch)

So now fast forward to yesterday morning....I haven't been in my car all weekend. I go to the garage and jump in to go to work. On my passenger seat is a McDonald's bags that has a small piece of uneaten sausage burrito in it from Friday....I forgot to take it in with me when I got home to throw it away. The smell in my car smelled like death! It took my breath away! I threw the bag out and rolled down the windows. Wind blowing all the way to work.

At work I left the windows wide open so that the smell could air out of the car....but when I got back in the car at 5pm it was no better. It was actually kind of worse! On the way to Graduation I began thinking how in the world can one small piece of food cause such a rank smell to last all day long?

And then I remembered the milk.
When I got to Graduation I opened the trunk and found one exploded, curdled gallon of milk all over the inside of my trunk! It had sat in the sun and heat for a full week!
OMG the smell in that truck almost made me regrow the hair on my head! I'm surprised that people didn't think that I had a dead body in my trunk!

I'm having a good time blaming it on Jimmy (don't send a man out to find anything!).....but in reality it's from my own forgetfulness. My brain is just not attached. If I don't write it on a calendar, draw a map, or put it on a to-do list, it pretty much gets to remind me later that I forgot it....and man oh man do I get the reminders!!

This morning is going pretty good. It the day after the Nuepogen shot so I'm a little achy. Nothing that Tylenol can't take care of. Of course the lumps are still there on my neck.

Today is our Wedding Anniversary! Not that I can be much fun. We planned to go to Lake Seneca every year for our anniversary, but we won't make it this year due to my tx. We'll have to make up for it next year.

Hey you.....
Happy Anniversary My Love.
Did I tell you today how much I Love you!
.....I do.....I adore you!


Anonymous said...
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Starwtich said...

Happy Anniversary my dear friends! You are one happy couple who seems to be greatly in love. I wish you both happiness and health!

Laurie said...

Thank you Teah!

I couldn't ask for a more perfect 2 years!