Thursday, May 15, 2008

Day 95

Yesterday was wonderful! No nausea, no Tylenol! Just a bit of fatigue at the end of the day but that's ok because I don't mind going to bed early when I can wake up the next morning feeling wonderful again. I actually felt human!

Last night was Procrit night. That's ok because although the shot stings like a s.o.b., it's the one drug that I take that doesn't seem to have side effects the next day.

I woke up this morning feeling, as Terry would say, "Groovy"! lol. No Aches and pain and no nausea. I'm actually awake and wishing that this was a weekend day so that I could enjoy getting a list of things done that my mind is now planning. I want to stop for garden plants tonight. Hopefully my feeling good will last through the weekend. My fingers are crossed....

I'm still waiting to hear from Hershey about when I have to restart the Interferon. Right now I'm only taking the Ribaviron. I'm hoping that without the trial drug the Interferon won't pack such a bad punch. We'll see....

Tonight is the dreaded Nuepogen shot. It's only a half shot so maybe it won't be so bad.

For today, ducky is staying at my side.


Rosie said...

Hi Laurie I am glad you are getting a break today and I hope it continues through the weekend. I know you are ready for a good one. Now that you will be off the study drug will you still need to follow through with the visits to Hershey and the daily diary for the pills and shots or will you just go to the regular hep doctor that refered you in the first place to the study for your treatment. I guess I am just wondering how long Roche will follow your results after they took you off the drug. I also know some people the S.O.C. drugs worked for. Keep that duck close and you can be one too!! Maybe you can ask your nurse if the other person that was taken off is willing to speak to you. It seems if you were both in agreement it should be fine. But I'm sure there are RULES about it LOL. Well congradulations on feeling good today...I think maybe you should just start the weekend early so you can get the full enjoyment out of all this!!! Rosie

Laurie said...


I just got off the phone with my study Nurse. She said that Roche called her today and they are taking everyone off of the Study Drug immediatly. She said that the drug is causing Lymphopenia in too many patients.

Have you heard anything yet?