Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Day 79

Yesterday dragged. I ate Tylenol all day and nausea stayed with me pretty much all day. I snack on crackers throughout the day to help the nausea. That seems to help a little. I carry the nausea pills with me to work but I have yet to take them while I'm there. I think I'd rather just visit the bathroom then to fall asleep at my desk. The pills cause me to become very drowsy.

The biggest problem with the nausea is that the top of my tongue and throat suffers from vomiting. (gross I know) The whole top of my tongue starts to heal and then the nausea and vomiting returns and makes my tongue relapse, so the top of it becomes painful and red. It's a big circle. I get it better with the "Magic Mouthwash" and then the nausea puts it right back to where it was. I will not take the Lexapro anymore....I know now that a lot of the nausea that I have is coming from it. I guess I'll have to try yet something else. I use to have a script for Xanax from my regular Doc. but that script ran out. I think I'll ask Hershey to refill it. It doesn't make me ill at all.

I went to bed early last night and other than a few really weird dreams, I slept pretty good.

This morning I woke up and I feel pretty good. (knock on wood) Maybe today will be good all day. Tuesday's and Wednesday's usually are my good days. Hopefully I can continue to have at least 3 good days a week.

I keep hearing that my body will get used to the drugs after a while......then again I've also heard that the last 24 weeks are the hardest. I think it may depend on the person. Me...I'm at week 11 and although the sides have been worst in the past I think that the only thing that has changed is that I'm on rescue drugs. Otherwise I don't think my body has gotten used to tx yet. Maybe soon....who knows.

Today is what matters.

Today I feel Ducky :)


My Other Blog said...

Let me get this straight: you're not taking your anti-nauseau pills because you don't want to fall asleep at work, but when you don't take them and you throw up, your tongue hurts? Exactly how many millions of dollars per week is this job paying you?

Dorene said...

Dear Laurie, I hope today finds you better. I was told I would get used to being sick, I am two weeks ahead of you and I am still miserable, still want to stay home from work but I, like you, force myself to go in and "try" to get some work done. There are days I feel like a real burden to my co workers though they are all very supportive I wonder if I should try to retire on disability. I get very torn. I feel blue and then I remember, Laurie's blog! I read some of your shared experiences and I don't feel so alone. I know what you mean about the tongue, it is very difficult. Maybe there is an anti nausea pill that would not make you so sleepy.
I hope you have a good day
p.s. "My Other Blog" makes sense

Laurie said...

I'm getting yelled at! :( lol

Iris, it's a big circle. If I take the A.D.'s I get very nauseous and vomit. Then if I take the anti-nausea pills, I get drugged and sleepy. Helps my stomach but makes me feel more like shit.

The A.D.'s may help my mind but really screw with my stomach more than usual causing me to vomit all day...which screws with my mouth.

If I don't take the A.D.'s my nausea is more tolerable and doesn't make me vomit....just queezy and hard to eat.Occasionally causing me to vomit.

Even if I don't work, I don't take the anti-nausea drug during the day.I really just hate any drug that puts me down for a count.The regular tx does that enough.

It seems like the circle is that I am taking drugs to control the side effects caused by the tx, and then I'm suposed to take drugs to control the side effects of the drugs that control the side effects? I'm getting to the point of saying it's easier to just deal with the original side effects. At least then the nausea just makes it difficult to eat and doesn't bring me to vomit. I take the anti-nausea drugs in the evening to eat dinner and the I go to bed early.

As for my job, yes I could live without it...yes it would be difficult....no I could not just replace it and 10 years into in....I don't want to. Not to mention that my Ins. is paying $3500.00 per month for my prescriptions. Not working is not an option. I know that I can not complete tx without Procrit or Nuepogen and so I can not do without my Ins. I also could not get through tx without work distracting my mind. These days would be horribly long.
So thats it....I'll muddle through.


Laurie said...


I'm getting to the point that I believe that your body may not get used to the drugs, your mind may just begin to cope with the illness somewhat.

I think I'm getting to the point of dealing with the sides on a daily basis as they come. "Oh, nausea...try eating a cracker" "Ok, body pain....try eating Tylenol"...a nausea pill at night to eat dinner and then to bed. The weekends are pre-planned: couch time with little chores in between.

The sides are not getting easier, I'm just adjusting to them as they come and trying to listen to what they want.

When I go to Hershey this next Monday I'll tell them about my trouble with Lexapro and I may try yet a different A.D. But if I remain vomiting from A.D.'s, I'll have to learn to cope with the mental sides rather than making myself sicker from yet more drugs.

Work is hard, but I don't know how to do any of this without it. It passes the time faster and right now I need the time to pass. I just really couldn't stay home.

My heart and thoughts are with you.

Have a good day!


TeaStarWitch said...

Someone told me Tylenol is not that good for our livers. Ask your doctor about it. Maybe that's what makes you nauseas.

Laurie said...

With all of the other drugs going on I just never thought of the tylenol making me sick!

Thanks Teah! Maybe I'll stop that for a few days to see if my stomach stops turning. It'll be worth the pain. :)