Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Shot 1 done!

Strange.....stick a needle in your body and it's just not "done" until 2 days later.

Wow...I hope this gets better...I never had the flu like that and I am no whinning baby! That sucked!

Ran a fever but you couldn't tell me that because I was freezing. 3 blankets and a comforter with the heat turned up was the only way that I could be warm. I woke up yesterday morning with a headache and neck ache that stayed with me until the afternoon....then I just wanted to sleep....but couldn't.

This morning I feel pretty good. A litttle like I've been through a marathon..kind of shakey..and a tiny thumping at the base of my skull....but I feel good. Nothing really hurts and I can wake up.

I'm going to move this shot back a day for the next few weeks until it's landing on Friday. The Research nurse wasn't all that thrilled by that, but Jimmy mentioned it again to the Doctor and she said that she checked the protocol and it said that it was ok to move as long as it was a day at a time. Thank God because I want to work so badly....I could not sit at home for 11 months while I do this. Time would go so slowly. I know that work will get hard....but moving the time will be a bonus.

Did I mention that this sucks!

Ok beautiful husband is helping to keep my blog up while I'm down by posting comments. I think I'll teach him how to post instead of comment because when I hurt I just can not bring myself to write. Sorry.

Anyway....My liver biopsy came back with mild to moderate damage. My liver is inflamed but not scared. My Alt levels remain high. So killing this virus right now is very important as the damage that is being done will eventually cause scaring. Everything happening to my Liver as of this point is repairable.

Isn't that awesome news!! months after this is done I'm gonna get plastered on a big ole bottle of Mezcal! :)

Got to go get ready to take the hand full of pills and go to work.

77 pills a week! And then that G.D. shot! Not to mention the Propananol that I take once a day and the Tylenol that will go with the shot! (Thanks Iris, I didn't think about lower mg. Tylenol. It's make a lot more sense...Looking at only being able to take Tylenol 2 times a day just will Not cut it! The pain lasts well over 10 hours. I'm switching to Reg. strength and stretching them out as far as I can. Staying under 2000 mg's will be easier)

What will be left of my blood in a few months will be a sewage.

On this side of the first shot I am Terry say's "I'm groovy".

((Hugs)) to eveyone of you ....


My Other Blog said...

I guarantee you that 6 months after you are done, you will NOT be thinking of drinking anything stronger than beer or wine! Sorry you got the crappy 'flu-like symptoms.' I think you're taking the study drug. I read some more about the study and they will 'unblind' you after 12 or 24 weeks - I forget which. Hope you managed to go to work today. Take care.

Terry Lee said...

Glad to see that you made it. Pegasus is supposed to hit you again at 96 hours, but who knows about this crap. After a period of time, your body adjusts to the meds and it's not so bad. Sounds as though you got the whole enchillada sx wise. I don't get sx's post injection but I get hit pretty good at 48 hours. Hope work is OK for you. You're right, staying home can be quite boring.

Rosie said...

Hi Laurie,
I'm glad to hear that you are going to try and work, I will be also more by neccessity than anything else but a few years back I was out of work for 4 years due to alot of surgery's and it really just made things harder sitting around thinking of the pain. One hint I wanted to share with you is getting under so many cover because you have the fever and the chills, I learned this when my daughter was young and had a high fever. She kept wanting more covers so I would give her more and all it did was raise her temp. I ended up taking her to the emergency room and by the time we got there it had dropped alot that's when the nurse told me it was the worse thing to do when you are burning up it is better to just use a light blanket. Just a thought and I know it is hard to do when you are cold and have a fever but just try it if your fever gets to high. 77 pills a week boy that is alot I can't wait to get started LOL Take care of yourself and feel as good as you can

BrotherPaul said...

Hey Laurie and Jimmy, We've been trying to keep up with your battle and are praying for you. Gina and I are coming to town this weekend and if you are up for it, we can come visit. Let us know your visit protocol and if you need anything from Vermont. Love you Guys. Gina and Paul

Laurie said...

Hey there Rose!
How old is your Daugher?
I didn't think about the fever going higher because of the blankets. It's just that I was freezing! lol...hopefully this next shot won't make me go through as much as the first. :)
My fingers are crossed.
Do you when your starting yet? They made me wait to find out until right before I was to go.
77...yep....isn't that a trip! lol.
I just get worried that I won't be able to hold them down.
My thoughts and prayers are with you Rose....I know it's really hard to wait.
I'll be thinking about you.

Laurie said...

HEY PAUL AND GINA!!!! :) :) :)
I've been thinking about you!!
I'm so glad that your coming!
I take the next shot on Sunday...I don't know what day you're coming in but Sat. would be Great!!! :) or even Sunday afternoon.
I'm sooo excited! You guys have a safe drive down. Let us know when you're planning to get into Town.
We Love You.

BrotherPaul said...

Hey Laurie,
We're coming in Friday evening so we'll have to set up a time to see you guys. We can come over Saturday or Sunday, whichever day is better for you, works for us. We will be heading out Sunday afternoon to go to Phila to catch a plane to Vegas. Anyway, if you aren't feeling up to it, just let us know. We have a little experience with not feelig well. We hope all is going well for you guys. Love, Gina, Paul, Kate, Scott and all the animals.

Laurie said...

I wouldn't miss you guy's for the world! Either day is going to be fine. Give us a call when you get in. :)

Vegas!!! OOOOH I LOVE VEGAS!!!! Sunshine, swimming pool Lot's of fun all around! I can't wait to go back again!

Starwtich said...

Idea of working is good, it will focus you on something else. But when you don't have enough energy
don't push yourself.
What was helping me if I had pain i nall my body is cold shower, walking (not very fast) and some physical activity