Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I survived work!

All and all it was pretty good. I'm lucky enough to be working with my best friend. She makes this do-able.

Tired as hell most of the day and the little drummer boy kept the beat quietly at the base of my skull most of the morning until I took a tylenol to shut his little ass up. Tylenol - the wonder drug.

I feel sooo much better than yesterday!

Now the only thing that I'm wondering about is how the hell am I going to take 5 pills tonight and keep them down. Nausea keeps waving by me. It's from the fatigue just like normal, but now the waves of it are a bit more powerful. From the normal fatigue plus now all of those pills I'm shoving down my throat? (I'd bet that the tylenol on top of it isn't helping my stomach)

Anyway....for as much whinning as I'm doing, lol, I still feel better than yesterday! Thats what counts.


Terry Lee said...

I had a little neasuea(sp) at the start and I found that ginger candy helped as did the pro biotics. Some people in my study who got the study drug got upset stomachs. It must be a side of the protease.

Laurie said...

"probiotics" I never heard of it before. I did some google searching and it sounds like it makes sense. I'll have to stop by the GNC to see what I can find.

I'm stopping on the way to work for the ginger candy this morning.

Thank you Terry! You Rock! :)

Starwtich said...

Buy a lot of Ginger Ale, it really helps from nausea. Probiotis means bacteria. I was taking Flora-Q in capsuls, It's a little bit pricy, but the best product on market.
Good luck, girl