Monday, December 3, 2007

New York

What an awesome trip to NY!

Jimmy and I left on Saturday night to get a jump on the snow and ice storm that was headed our way to get closer to the City. We stayed the night in Iron Bound, Newark, NJ. with a beautiful view of the Potomac River.

We got up early in the morning and made our way into Manhattan to pick Iris up at the bus stop and then made our way to the East Village to meet Terry, Magda, Teah and her Sister for lunch and then the Metropolitan Museum.

It snowed just enough to make it feel like Christmas time.

It was all so absolutely wonderful see Iris and Teah again and now to meet Terry's all such a special treat and an education. They've really made me feel like I'm not alone. Not to mention that the knowledge and experiences of all three of them is endless. Iris finished treatment 8 months ago. Teah has pretty much finished with 72 week! (I have no idea how she did it! She's amazing. - Tired ...but amazing.) and Terry is around 30 weeks into it. He looks Great. They all do.....but it's been and is hard...I know.
I'm also glad that Jimmy was able to Magda, Terry's beautiful and bright Girl Friend. She's been through this treatment with Terry from the start and she's an insite to where Jimmy will be with me in the future. It was very good for them to be able to talk a little.

They've helped me with my list of questions for the Doctor and the research nurse. Now I can't wait for the phone call! If I don't hear anything by tomorrow, I'll call them.

The ride home was hard to describe. First of all we didn't have windshield washer solvent. LOL Not a good thing to be missing when your in NY traffic with salty slush on the roads! We just didn't think about it until it was too late to pick some up.

Once we got a way from the city we found a gas station and grabbed some. While we where in there I got a phone call. My sister. My Dad is dieing. He's 89 pounds and he's got pneumonia. He's in the hospital and he's had a stroke.

Other than feeling bad for my Sister....I don't think I feel anything.


Anonymous said...

God Bless You

Laurie Wolfe
Frederick MD

Anonymous said...

Here is my story:

Anonymous said...
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