Wednesday, December 5, 2007

To Paint or Not To Paint

Here's just another frustrating casualty of my Hep C and stress....

I have ability to paint $3000.00 paint jobs....but right now I pick up the brush and I'm retarded! I can't see past the first stroke.

I'll sit down this weekend and I'll give it one more try. But if my brain will not allow it, I'll give the bike back and doing so will probably destroy my reputation for artwork on bikes. Doesn't that suck!
Maybe not....
Maybe then I can get back to the fundamental love and Passion for painting!
The piglet bike was painted for a guy named Hoggie. LOL Big bad bikers love little piglets.
The orange bike over 80 hours to paint(which I wish I had completed pictures of because it turned out awesome. The picture here is the tank before clear....clear makes it "pop") and was for a guy named Bam. Big guy! The nick name descibes him best. Big guy with the ability to seriously hurt. But he's a teddy bear for those who know him.
So this weekend we will see. To paint...or to hang it up for a year.


Terry Lee said...

I love the pig. I was wondering how it is they say you have to tx without a biopsy? Maybe you're a 0 or a 1.

Laurie said...

I think They're basing it on the viral count, my alt levels that have been elevated since 1999, fatigue and now these little spidy web thingy's.

Past that I'm new to all of I really don't know.

Terry Lee said...

It must be the combination of the factors you mentioned. I'm of the opinion that almost everyone should treat anyway as they will sooner or later anyway.

magda said...

but right now I pick up the brush and I'm retarded! I can't see past the first stroke

OMG, you got the ribo high contact from hanginig out with all these people on treatment, lol

Laurie said...

Wow! That would suck! can't be, because from what I'm hearing from them, I'd take out a baseball bat and smash the damn thing or through it out my third story window!'m just retarded right now!

But I will keep that excuse on hand if I have to give this bike back!

My Other Blog said...

Trust me, you won't bash a bike!
Even on interferon, you will pick and choose your battles - I chose to pick on the weak and eldery! ;} (Interferon makes you angry, it doesn't make you stupid!)

Me said...

The pig is adorable! You are incredibly talented. I hope you can keep up with it.

Anonymous said...

You're so talented! Please post more pictures of your work.

Laurie said...

I wish I could post more.

My ex-husband was an airbrush artist/drug addict/drunkin drug dealer whom I hid from when I first left him. I took only a few changes of clothing, my car and I left the rest of my belongings behind just to be able to excape the asshole. Amoung all of my things was a small portfollio of my past artwork.

I have and have had a bad habit of not signing my work.(Jimmy is trying to break me of that habit) It turns out that many of my paintings have been claimed by him. Of course until right now, I've continued to paint and so has he. It didn't take too long for people to regonize my artwork and realize I painted the paintings that he claimed where his.

But sadly enough, he still has the pictures and I do not. To be very honest with you he could shove them up his ass as far as I'm concerned because nothing in this world is worth my having to ever deal with him again.

Some of the paintings I'll find again and I'll take new pictures....some are lost forever. A couple I'll dig up one day and post.

Thank you for your compliment :-)