Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Yeah!!! U.C. IS VIRUS FREE!!!!

What awesome news!

Went to NY on Saturday to hang out with U.C. and Tea. What a wonderful time. They are two of the most beautiful people that I know. It was such a pleasure spending the day with them and getting to know them.

Thank you both for such a great day!

While we were in NY, U.C. broke the news....She's Virus Free!

Boy the day just couldn't have been any better! How incrediably wonderful is that!
The both of them are my inspiration and have become a strength that I'll carry with me throughout my treatment.

U.C. Completed her treatment and came out at the other end Virus Free and Tea has just completed her 66th shot! Now if these two are'nt the best examples to follow no one is!

I love and admire both of them.

Got lost going into NY and coming out...lol. Damn mapquest!
On the way in I wanted the Lincoln Tunnel and wound up in Jersey City at the Holland Tunnel. (I usually go the Gearge Washington Bridge but mapquest sent me to the Lincoln Tunnel...I thought it knew better than me)
On the way out I wound up in major traffic downtown and got turned around. I found myself on the east side of the island and had to go back through the traffic to get to the George Washington Bridge (I was going home the way that I knew) but somehow I found myself at the Throgneck bridge! WOW...way out of my way! Stopped at the bridge regained my direction and finally found the Gearge Washington Bridge. LOL...set out to leave the island at around 7:30 and got home at 11:30! It's usually only a 2-1/2 hour drive.
Anyway....getting lost always teaches me a new place. I had a nice little tour of NY. lol
As for me...I've felt great all weekend. Poor Jimmy seems to have taken feeling bad away from me and has gotten a cold. I hate seeing him sick, he worries too much about what he's not getting done and can't really rest because it's so much on his mind. I wish I could just take care of his work for him.

38 days to go until I'm in Hershey.

That's not a long time right?


Jason Paul Tolmie said...

Hi Laurie, Just wanted to say hi and comment on the wonderful news about UC and to say thanks for the pics of you guys in NY. I kinda know UC & Tea already from blogging myself and having been on tx myself for 48wks, I know what you're all going through. I am so happy for UC as this virus is something that she really didn't need...and now it's gone forever:) And Tea is such a strong woman having got through 66 shots already and still she keeps going and manages to look beautiful all the while too!

Good luck Laurie and take care:)


Laurie said...

Thanks Jaex!!!

TeaStarWitch said...

Laurie, it was so great spending time with both of you, we should do it again, maybe we should do it once every 6 months? Would be great!

Laurie said...

every 6 months would be cool!
