Wednesday, October 10, 2007

October is almost half gone....

So the A & B vaccinations are done.

Yesterday at work was hard. I don't know if I ate something that I shouldn't have or what caused it, but I was so fatigued that my body literally ached (hurt) wanting to lay down. I was worried that I was getting sick, I pushed through the long day and got it over with. Hell I even made Stromboli for the Dart teams. (Tuesday Night is Dart Tournament night at the Bar)

Everyone tells me not to push myself, but I feel so much better if I can. In my mind, if I didn't push through yesterday I would have woken up this morning not feeling as good as I do right now. What everyone doesn't understand is that when I felt like shit like yesterday, if I had not pushed through the day I would have slept like shit last night...and felt like shit today. The more I give into, it the longer it grabs a hold of me.

Might not make any sense to anyone else, but it does to me.

I know that when I start treatment all of that might change....but for now I push through it. When treatment starts I'll go with the flow and see what works.

I woke up this morning and Wa-La....I feel fine again! It's morning, the sun's coming up and the day is going to be beautiful! ....rain and

That's what counts!

The leaves are almost all changed. The weather is finally changing to colder this week and I have 51 Days left until I go to Hershey

....not much longer now!

1 comment:

TeaStarWitch said...

Laurie, some people say they feel much better on treatment than before. I hope it works for you this way too. Take a good care of yourself, it will pay you back.