Saturday, August 4, 2007

A need for Education

My friend "Uncertain" went to the Dentist and he acted like an Ass towards with her HCV.

I find it amazing how people react to this virus. It almost feels like a double whammy.

I get the feeling that some people look at me as though I have a Horrible virus that is something that they may need to get tested for because they've known me for a while.....or they look at me differently because they saw a T.V. show like Heartland or E.R. . Someone on the show was a drug addict and had HCV. On one episode the Doctor even said "Oh that figures....HCV is a good sign of a drug addict".

I don't get that feeling from everyone.....but I do from some.

I know it's not just in my head.....I'm just waiting to see how people disappear from my life to avoid being around me. I wish there was a way to teach people about this virus....

HCV doesn't seem to be very popular in this area. Even my own Family Doctor, who has been a doctor here for decades, told me that he'll be following my treatment and learning as we go because he's never had a patient with HCV before. He treats me well.....he's come to my rescue many times over the past years. I wish I could just turn him into a specialist and have him treat me.

But like I said, there's no HCV education here. lol....just me.

I hate the feeling of trying to explain that I can't pass this little dragon on just by hangin' out with people. And I worry a lot about people who think that I may give it to them by Bar tending or working around the bar.

I also sooooo much hate the judgement that people may make towards the idea that many people have HCV through drug addiction. I guess I hate it more because most of the people who are around me know that my ex-husband was a major drug dealer in this area. He was probably dealing from the day that we met. Took me a while to find out and by then he had no intention on stopping. He was addicted to not only the drugs but to game of dealing. He's now waiting to be sentenced on Federal Charges handed down by a Grand Jury for his Dealing.

I on the other hand never was a drug addict. Never stuck a needle into my body. As far as I know.....neither did he. He snorted coke by the tons. Not to mention that I heard he tested negative.

My HCV either had to have come from one of my 17 surgeries or a blood transfusion after the birth of my son. But still.... I carry my ex's guilt.

What I find most ironic is that I am now faced with doing something that I never thought I'd have to do.....I now have to inject something into my body. I don't know how I'll be able to do that. I'm not squeamish....I just don't know if I can do it to myself.

Funny thing is, I have a diabetic cat that I have to inject insulin into twice a day. Once in the morning and once in the evening. (He got diabetes from being a stray and eating whatever he could where ever he could get it.)

He even reminds me when it's time by coming to me and gently pawing at my hair or face or just laying on me and starring. I grab the needle, the insulin and a treat and he comes running. Pull up the skin on his neck and he Lay's down for his shot. Never even a peep out of him. It's become routine for him.

His name is Jack and he's a brave little boy! He's also the most incredible animal I've ever known. So Smart, gentle and so loving!

I know that when it's time I'll have to deal with injecting myself.....right now until I'm faced with it....I just can't imagine. LOL....Jimmy said he'll do it for me if I can't!

I wonder if I can have a treat for getting injected....


TeaStarWitch said...

Ignore all the assholes! They don't know what an HCV is, they think they would never have it, but they are so wrong and I guarantee you -- some of them have it and don't know it! Screw them, let them die a painful life for being such ignorants.
Your cat is amazing! He comes and really reminds you of injection? OMG! That's so cute!
You will be able to do your own shots. I don't know anybody around me more paranoic to needles then myself and I do it very easily now. I was scared first, but it tool only one shot to realize it was not that bad.
Strength to your way!!!

PSPam said...

Hi Laurie. Sorry you are having to join our Hep C *club* but with 1 million already diagnosed and 4 million waiting to be diagnosed we aren't very *exclusive* As you said though, it is too bad the average person isn't educated about Hep C and that we can't get rid of this drug user stigma. Hopefully in time :-) Meanwhile here is a list of links that will take you to all the info and support you ever wanted or needed for Hep C. Hope to see you on a Yahoo group and you can ask questions and talk to others that have been through this. Take care of yourself!

PS - I have a diabetic cat as well. He also has Cushing's Disease which is quite rare in cats (mostly found in dogs) so we are having trouble controlling his diabetes. We have been as high as 6 units of insulin twice a day but are currently doing 4.5 because he has lost so much weight. My last diabetic cat only needed 1 unit twice a day and he did wonderful for years!

H.E.A.L.S of the South

HepCingles2 for ALL!

North Florida Chapter

Florida Online Support Group

Georgia Online Support Group

Delphi HepCingles


My Space

Read about Hepatitis C Epidemic Prevention and Control Act at:

Write your Senator in 1 minute at:

Not Blank said...

If you already know how to inject a cat, you're a step ahead of where I was a year ago. You'll overcome your fear of needles soon enough. Your regular doctor is treating you, not a G.I. dr? How far would you have to travel to be treated by a G.I. dr or hemotologist (I'm sure that's spelled wrong - doctor who treats diseases of the blood? If may be worth doing if it's less than an hour. They must have one of those or at least a G.I. dr. at the Hershey medical center. As far as telling people, I found out the hard way - people don't need to know. And other bloogers wonder why I only told one cousin and on friend!

Laurie said...

Jack is amazing Tea ...I think he comes to me to remind me it's time because he starts not feeling well sometimes. But most of the time it's because he REALLY wants that treat! lol
He seems to sense when I'm not feeling weel too because he'll always cuddle up on the couch with me.

Thanks Pam ...your links are awesome!! They'll keep me busy for a while and God knows I need an aducation!

Uncertain - My Regular Doctor will only be monitoring my G.I.
I Wish my regular Doctor was a specialist in HCV because I trust and believe in him without hesitation.
I still have to go to my regular Doctor for my Heart. Which is now a minor problem since surgery 1-1/2 years ago.
It's just that my regular Doctor will be learning about Hep C first hand for the first time through me.
But my G.I. is my treating Doctor.
I would have loved to have gotten into Hershey....but the waiting for a Doctor is months long! But the time waiting to just see a doctor at Hershey along with the time I've had to spent getting my Hormone levels in check and having the vacines for Hep A and would have been as long as 1-1/2 to just get around to starting treatment.
My G.I. is supposed to be the best in our area. I guess we'll see.....

TeaStarWitch said...

I should buy a cat, or maybe adopt. Cats are mystical animals, they are amazing. I have a lot respect towards cats. I love all animals, but cats are very special.

Laurie said...


We have 3. Two are abopted from the Animal shelter and Jack was a stray that was hanging around Jimmy's Dad's house.

All 3 are awesome animals. I think that's got a lot to do with the hard times they've faced before they came to be a part of our family.

Adopt Teah....they are wonderful and give back love 10 fold! There are so many suffering in shelters.....