Friday, August 1, 2008

Day 171

Went to Hershey yesterday. They gave me the 24 week full physical and bloodwork.

I have to stop at the drug store tonight for new supplies. Something called Biatin (sp?) to try to help my hair loss. Benadril to help me relax at night to sleep and a multivitamin that might help my mouth out a little.....we'll see.

Oh yeah! And medicated Gold Bond for my dry itchy skin.

I have to go to a local eye doc. to have my eye's checked out again for that "what the hell is that" thing that keeps happening.

Sandy said that 45% of the people on the trial are having some type of eye problem, so it could be something left over from the trial drug. Or it could just be a reaction from all the drugs I'm on now. Either way I'll get my eye checked by someone local so the traveling isn't as far when the problem hits again and if there is a problem I'll have it dealt with in Hershey.

Other than that I've lost more weight! Damn it!

I thought that maybe my weight loss had at least stopped. I had hope to have gained a pound maybe two. But no....I lost two more. :( If this keeps up I'll disappear by the end of tx!....or blow away.

Now we wait for my blood work to come back to see if I go full 100 units of Peg.

I hope not because it'll make me feel more like shit and the Peg. is what's causing my hair to fall out.

My fingers are crossed that I complete tx with the 75 unit dosage.

We came home and I fell asleep on the couch last night....something that I usually never do! Wish I could fall asleep like that in bed! lol

I'm dragging this morning. Waking up is not easy. I could use more sleep.

Hopefully I snap out of it as the morning goes along.


Rosie said...

Good Morning Laurie,
I never heard of this Biatin but let us know if it helps. This morning I was losing big chunks of hair . Part of me wishes it would just go ahead and fall out all at once or just stop. Hair is everywhere in my house and car and in my food Yuk! I did my shot last night and usually I get one day after that I am still good but this moring I am really dragging my but. I was using benedrayl for awhile and it worked good for sleeping and itching but more so for sleeping.Aug 15th is my half way mark and I keep thinking about this tunnel we are in and now there is no choice but to go forward going back is just as long. I will be curious to see what my viral load is now. Hopefully it has gone down. I have been on 1/2 dose shot for 4 weeks now so who knows.My WBC is borderline so that is why they are keeping me on 1/2 shot. I hope your weekend is good and you can get some rest. The benedrayl may force you to sleep LOL Take Care Rosie

Lisa said...

Hi Laurie,

I hope the stuff works for your hair. I am going to buy some of the lotion you mention. I woke up today with my hands being extremely sensetive and hard to touch anything....they aren't dry yet, but things do feel weird that I touch.

My hair is dryig out also, lukily I am starting out with one of the thickest heads of hair of most people i know, maybe I'll be able to retain some of it.

Tonight is my 2nd shot night. I am going to do the shot at 6:00 tonight.

Have a nice day!


My Other Blog said...

I never heard of Biatin either.
If sleeping on the sofa works for you, do it!
When do you go back to Hershey?

Laurie said...


I know what you mean. I think I'm shedding more than my cats do! My poor husband has found my hair in his food a couple of times already. YUK is right! I try to keep it tied back so that it doesn't get everywhere.

I don't know how much the benedrayl helped. I'll try it again tonight. My fingers are crossed.

Take care!


Laurie said...


I do my Peg. Shot on Friday nights also. It works out the best for recouperating over the weekend. It really kills my weekends but at least I'm able to work on Monday morning!

Hope shot #2 was easier on you!


Laurie said...


Only problem with falling asleep on the couch is that I wind up waking up a few hours later to go to bed. It makes falling back to sleep a little hard.

I have to call on Monday, They where supposed to give me a Monday appt. but the girls at the front desk screwed it up I think because I have a Thursday Appt.

I'll let you know as soon as I'm sure of the date.
