Monday, June 23, 2008

Day 132

Well yesterday turned out to be manageable.

I took Tylenol on and off all day and moved slowly, but still I got my garden weeded and all my plants staked up. Thankfully because a crazy thunderstorm blew through here last night.

I haven't looked out there this morning yet to see if there's any damage. The garden should be ok with all the support that I gave the plants.

I even got Sunday dinner cooked for Jimmy and the kids!

Without the trial drug I'm finding that I get bouts of fatigue instead of that all day, knock me down, stay on the couch type. It's ruff and I can definitely tell I've increased my dosages....but it's still do-able if I take my time and go slow.

The hot tub last night did wonders too! Knocked me right out and made me sleep all night. It was pretty cool too because we watched the thunderstorm roll in. (of course we got out of the tub when it got too close)

Today is my wonderful Husbands birthday! I'll take my golf clubs to work with me and maybe we'll meet at the driving range after work to hit a few balls. Then maybe Dinner.

Happy Birthday My Love!!!!

I Love you my Darling!


Terry Lee said...

Happy Birthday Jimmy!!!!!!

Dorene said...

Happy Birthday Jimm, great picture of the two of you Laurie, thank you for sharing. Thank you for your support. I am very afraid right now, I will try to go to work as much as I have always tried and hope that they won't make me so miserable that the stress kills me. People keep telling me I have rights but I don't know what they are. Can they let me go if I work less than full time? I have worked for the Federal Govt for 28 years and am so worried right now. Someone else in the group told me to just do my best. Unfortunately I understnd how they feel, I had just gotten this job in October when I was diagnosed after Christmas. I need this job, I am the sole support of my family and have a son in college. Sorry to whine, just trying to figure out what my rights are, hoping there is someone that can advise me. Oh Laurie, that website was very helpful, thank you. I have thought of getting a Federal Lawyer to help me keep my job. Of course if I do that I am sure I will be made to feel even more miserable. I am very ahppy to hear that you have gotten strong enough to garden I know you don't feel well but it is a good sign to do things that you love. I want to garden and actually planted one aster so am hoping that is a good sign too. I hope everyone has a wonderful day and I will too :)

Laurie said...


The best that you can do right now is ride the storm out. I know it's stressfull, but you can only do the best you can do!

They may try stressing you out to get you to quit. But you just have to hang in there. If you quit you'll pretty much screw yourself. You may not even get unemployment. You have to hang in there.

I can't see hiring a Lawyer as being any help right now because all they're really doing is trying to make your job difficult right now. If they where to fire you, you still don't need to hire a lawyer, you just have to call the board of Labor and they represent you for discrimination. You don't pay them and they usually do a very good job!

You'd also apply for unemployment.

What you do need to do is make sure that all of your i's are dotted and your t's are crossed.

You've given them the paperwork for the drugs and they now know the side effects. You really should have some type of note from your Doctor in your personel file explaining that you'll miss work from time to time throughout your tx due to the side effects.

You have to do the best that you can do. You can't really force them to keep you in your job, but if they were to fire you, you do have a couple of options to fall back on. I have the feeling that they know that because really if they where going to fire you, I would think that they would have done so already. The best thing for them right now is for you to quit.

You just can't give in.

It sucks that you already have so much on your shoulders with tx, the stress of your job has got to be driving you crazy!

I wish I could be of more help, but it's really a waiting game to see what your employer is going to do and then you really can't do much before that happens other than making sure they are informed.

Again, make sure there's a Doctors note in you file saying that you'll need to miss work from time to time because of tx.

Hang in there Dorene, My heart goes out to you!


Dorene said...

Dear Laurie, reading the blog backwards, just saw this. Thank you so much for your support, you are right I think they ar just trying to scare me at this point. They signed off on the doctors note that explained everything and it said tx was 48 weeks, now 5 months later they are saying they need a time line, I told them it was in the letter that they signed off on so I also gave them another copy of that. On that site you gave me I discovered that Hep C, tx and Cirrhosis, which I have is covered by the Americans with Disability Act so that made me feel better. Hope this all blows over, sorry to bother you with this. I hesitated but now I am glad as you really helped me with that site
Thank you