Now This Is Summer!!!!
TaDa! The purple flowers are on my deck. The kids got me these for Mothers day. The white and the yellow flowers are from my vegetable garden. White - Pepper plant. Yellow- cucumber.
Life sure knows how to be beautiful....doesn't it.
I love Summer!
And you can see I've replaced the camera that was stolen from me during the burglary.
It's A Really Cool Camera!! Cannon Powershot A630. This thing Rocks!! Not to mention it's cheap! lol
Life sure knows how to be beautiful....doesn't it.
I went to the Doctor this morning. Even though I'm loosing weight and can't seem to eat enough to keep it, I've been feeling pretty good the last couple of days. Mentally I think I'm doing ok right now. Between my wonderful Husband, the beautiful Summer and my new friend "Uncertain4sure" who has made me understand, through just a few sentences, that what's in my head isn't just me. It's normal.
I suppose that I feel stronger hearing that from someone who is and has gone to the place I'm at now.
This whole thing is like a roller coaster....and right now....I'm ok again.
I grew up, most of my life in Rockledge Florida. When I was a little girl, maybe around 6 years old, I ate an orange and saved the seeds. My Sister and I planted the seeds in a pot and only one seed survived.
We took the baby tree that we started to my Grandmothers house and planted it in her yard.
The tree grew.
My Grandmother died 5 years ago. She was a woman like no other in my eyes. From her I inherited strength to overcome incredible boundies......The knowledge that I can do anything if I just work hard enough at it and not give up.......The touch of an Artist....and she taught me how to love and be loved. Lastly, she gave me the ability to stand see, hear, smell and taste the beauty of life.
She was my Grandma.
After her death, my Father moved into her house. About a year and a half ago Jimmy and I went to Florida for Jimmy to meet him, my Sister and my Mother.
While at my Grandmothers house my Sister picked me an orange from "our tree" and after I ate it, I saved the seeds. I planted 5 seeds and 5 trees sprouted from a tree that I planted 36 years ago for my Grandma.
I thought "How cool is that!"
I hope one day, with a lot of luck, I can get one of these trees to have fruit and my Grandchild will plant a seed for me!
Pennsylvania is not an orange tree type of state. But if it can be done....I will do it!
I think I've rambled enough for
Enjoy your day....and the Summer.